Who Listens to Free Over-the-Air AM & FM Radio - Not These Guys . . .
On May 19, 8:11*pm, "A Browne" wrote:
"Robert Sillett" wrote in message
- - I get 10 or 11 HD stations on my radio w/
- - just a little wire on FM.
- - On AM I get two HD stations with a built-in loop.
- You'rs saying something (anything) positive about HD?
- Well, then you must be an IBOC/iBiquity shill!
- (I'm just paraphrasing what the typical response in this newsgroup
RS & AB,
Actually Pocket-Radio, IBOCcrock, SWF etc are in-fact
"Anti" Free Over-the-Air AM& FM Radio be it Analog or Digital.
They classify Free Over-the-Air AM& FM Radio as 'old' media
and love to promote so-called New Media : Internet Radio;
Satellite Radio; the iPod, etc.
They are quick to call {Label} anyone who posts anything
in oposition to their posts as IBOC Shills.
Who Listens to Free Over-the-Air AM & FM Radio :
Not These Guys . . . They just like to Bad Mouth Radio.
Be It Analog or Digital.
free over-the-air am & fm radio - just listen and enjoy ~ RHF