On May 20, 7:29*pm, Telamon
In article wsLYj.3210$Yp.1816@edtnps92, m II
M II -wrote-
- - Congratulations.
- - You've just posted TWENTY off topic,
- - insulting posts in 39 minutes.
- -
- - That sets an all time record.
- -
- - It's time for you to reconsider your outlook on things,
- - you certainly can't go on this way.
Telamon -wrote-
- It just did.
- If you have a suggestion on how to get rid of
- the news group retard I'm listening.
- --
- Telamon
- Ventura, California
Teli-Tardİ - Yes I Do {Please Listen Closely}
1 - Say Good Night to All Here. {Be Nice To Others}
2 - Turn-Off Your Computer. {Must Be Hot from All the Use}
3 - Go To Bed and Get Some Rest {Give-It-a-Rest}.
Won't Get Rid of You - Don't Want To Get Rid of You.
Just Want You To Get Normal Again and Be a Positive
Contributer Here on the Newsgroup Again.
=BUT= It Will Give the Rest-of-Us an 8-Hour Break
from being Attacked and being Called Names by You.
Teli-Tardİ - Be Well, Be Happy and Enjoy Your Radios ~ RHF
(OT) : How To Tell You Are Dealing With a Teli-Tardİ
Be Nice To the Teli-Tardİ : He Needs Your Attention {Love}
-ps- Teli-Tardİ this is another On-Topic Thread that
You have Poluted with you Name-Calling Attacks
- shame, Shame. SHAME ! On You.