On May 21, 10:12�am, Rfburns wrote:
On May 21, 7:33 am, gallant17 wrote:
Mexico Authorizes Transition to HD Radio(TM) Broadcasting for Stations
Within 320 Kilometers of Country's Northern Border with the U.S.
May 21, 2008 7:00 AM EDT
COLUMBIA, Md., May 21 /PRNewswire/ -- Mexico's Federal
Telecommunications Commission (CoFeTel) announced last week that it is
authorizing radio stations within 320 kilometers (200 miles) from its
border with the United States to begin transmitting with digital HD
Radio technology.
In an official statement, the CoFeTel said: "Que tomando en cuenta el
grado de desarrollo e implementacion del sistema IBOC en los Estados
Unidos de America, se requiere que Mexico instrumente acciones
decisivas, para que los concesionarios y permisionarios de
radiodifusion sonora mexicanos ubicados en la zona de 320 kilometros
dentro de la frontera norte de Mexico, puedan realizar sus
transmisiones en igualdad de condiciones tecnologicas, en beneficio de
la calidad del servicio que proporcionan al publico radioescucha."
The translation is: "Considering the extent of the development and
implementation of the IBOC system in the United States of America,
Mexico is required to take decisive action so that [the country's AM
and FM radio stations] in the zone located within 320 kilometers of
the northern border of Mexico can transmit at the same technological
level so that they can provide the benefits of quality service to the
radio listening public." It went on to state that stations that want
to transmit with the IBOC (HD Radio) system must request authorization
from CoFeTel and must commit to assisting the commission in studying
the technology.
"We're deeply grateful to the Mexican broadcasting industry for its
decision to join the HD Radio phenomenon," said Bob Struble, President
and CEO of iBiquity Digital, the developer of HD Radio technology. "As
the outstanding success we're seeing in the United States is mirrored
elsewhere in the world, more and more countries will reap the benefits
of this technology's efficient use of spectrum to bring very high-
quality audio and data to consumers."
SOURCE iBiquity Digital
What this translates to is that Mexico is jamming back. Of course
Struble, aka. The Jackal Faced Dog, is full of his usual bull****.
Yea, the HD transition has stalled, especially doesn't work on AM,
also jams on FM, HD radios aren't selling, and especially doesn't work
in moving vehicles.
Mexico authorizing HD radio with 200 miles of the U.S. border isn't
significant. �ibiquity lobbied the Mexican government heavily knowing
that if they could get them to commit it would look good . This is the
usual ibiquity inflationary spin.
Mexican Governmental corruption is universally known so any commitment
they make means little to the rest of the world. �ibiquity knows this
but will spin it anyway.
Nice try Bob Stubble.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
"U.S. - Mexico Telecommunication Agreements" 2004
"The United States and Mexico resolved a substantial AM radio
interference problem that had adversely affected millions of
Americans. As a result, the Mexican Ministry of Communications and
Transportation required four AM radio stations in the Mexican state of
Baja California to reduce power or otherwise bring their operations
into compliance with bilateral agreements governing AM broadcasts
along our common border. This has brought relief to the U.S.
broadcasting industry and some 29 million listeners who were affected
by the interference. For its part, the United States has pledged to
review its own radio licenses to ensure that U.S. stations do not
cause harmful interference inside Mexico."
Hmmmm... it seems that Mexico IS intentially installing the IBOC
jammers along its Northern Border, now that the crook Kevin Martin is
turning a blind-eye towards interference. Of course, Struble .aka. The
Jackal-Faced Dog, is putting a totally different spin on this