RHF the news group Retard is a hypocrite
Congratulations Telamon. You've just posted One off topic, insulting posts
in 39 minutes.
That sets an all time record.
It's time for you to reconsider your outlook on things, you certainly
can't go on this way.
"Telamon" wrote in message
In article
RHF wrote:
On May 20, 7:29 pm, Telamon
In article wsLYj.3210$Yp.1816@edtnps92, m II
M II -wrote-
- - Congratulations.
- - You've just posted TWENTY off topic,
- - insulting posts in 39 minutes.
- -
- - That sets an all time record.
- -
- - It's time for you to reconsider your outlook on things,
- - you certainly can't go on this way.
Telamon -wrote-
- It just did.
- If you have a suggestion on how to get rid of
- the news group retard I'm listening.
Teli-Tardİ - Yes I Do {Please Listen Closely}
1 - Say Good Night to All Here. {Be Nice To Others}
2 - Turn-Off Your Computer. {Must Be Hot from All the Use}
3 - Go To Bed and Get Some Rest {Give-It-a-Rest}.
Won't Get Rid of You - Don't Want To Get Rid of You.
Just Want You To Get Normal Again and Be a Positive
Contributer Here on the Newsgroup Again.
Well, is that just great or what? You say give it a rest while calling
me names. Hilarious!
And how is the news group retard doing this evening? Not very well it
Ventura, California