On May 28, 1:48 pm, m II wrote:
This guy would get shot in the head if the Republicans get in again.
If everyone they stopped acted in this manner, the harassment by
government officials would stop NOW.
Government is your SERVANT, not MASTER.
Every community should have a copwatch chapter. Check out their
Experts say Copwatch.com’s ‘Crucial Reforms’ MUST be adopted
Most cops are poorly educated and dangerously undertrained
Cops have more in common with criminals than with normal citizens
The cops’ ‘Blue Wall of Silence’ is like the Mafia’s code of ‘Omerta’
The Police Union fights against police accountability
We need, but do not have, a REAL ‘Citizen’s Review Board’
According to Federal statistics, policework is NOT very dangerous
High IQ applicants are rejected by the Police Academy
Cops habitually lie to, deceive, and mislead innocent citizens
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freely duplicated and disseminated for non-commercial purposes.
*according to a recent survey by Copwatch.com