RBM receiver, help please
Hi Jeep;
Tnx for that info.
Why did they make everything so complicated, hi!
There must not be many around because I have never seen any except the
one I have.
Been interested in old BA's since 1960, only one i've seen is mine:-)
These receivers seem to appear in batches. I acquired 6 of them over
about an 18 month period via the hamfests and Ebay. Four of them were
RBMs and two where RBSs. I have kept a complete RBM setup with racks,
power supplies, and the receiver/transmitter control box. What I didn't
know was there was the RBS-3 version until late in my collection. The
very late models were made by a third company, the name of which slips
my mind. The cases were a two-tone affair; gray with black panel
overlay. Some Navy overhauled units were also painted gray and had Type
N antenna connectors installed. Those with SO-239s are Ham mods, for
sure. Having said all the above.... I've only seen a couple on Ebay and
none at the hamfests in the past several years