CB Radio tech question
"solar bus driver" wrote in message
. ..
I have a question about CB radios... I don't have one (yet), otherwise I'd
just try this.
Is it possible to speak through the microphone and hear your voice coming
out of the speaker, WITHOUT having the sound of the CB radio receive
coming through?
In other words, can you "mute" the radio reciever and hear your voice in
the speaker?
I have a bus, and I'm looking for a way I can amplify my voice and talk to
the passengers. I thought maybe if I got a CB, I could not only use it as
a CB, but I could also use it to make announcements to the passengers.
If this would work as described, I would connect the output of the CB to
the AUX input of the car stereo that is used to play music in the bus.
Will this work?
gary in vermont
OK, I did a little more research and found that some CBs have a PA switch
and I guess that's what I'm looking for... but then I need to know... could
I plug that into the AUX input of a car stereo, or will it only work going
directly to its own speaker?