On Jun 3, 3:47*pm, Tex wrote:
What a totally classless broad. *Instead of graciously allowing Sen.
Obama and supporters to enjoy their hard earned victory - a truly
historic event in US history - *she forces herself into the spotlight
and rains on his parade with her supremely egotistical and ill-timed
We can add megalomaniahttp://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-megalomania.htm
to the list of mental illnesses she is obviously afflicted with.
She's delusional as well. Her VP dream simply isn't going to happen -
the taxpayers can't afford the food tasters that would be necessary
with the Clinton Creep show lurking *the hallways.
The Clinton dynasty in American politics ended tonight. GOOD
In-Fact Barack Husssein Obama Jr. (BHO) needs a Women
on the Democrat Party Ticket to Assure a WIN in 2008
-because- of the Hillary 'Rotten' Clinton "Feminist-Factor"
among Democrat Party Women Voters.
It's Blacks -versus- Women in 2008 for the Democrat
Party; and a Unity-Team is the only practical solution.
The Democrats have a few State Governors who are Women:
Janet Napolitano of Arizona
Kathleen Sebelius of Kansas
Christine Gregoire of Washington
Kathleen Blanco of Louisiana
They would bring-in the Women's and More Importantly
the Feminist Vote which might stay home since Barack
Husssein Obama Jr. (BHO) beat Hillary 'Rotten' Clinton
for the Democrat Party's Presidential Nomination.
READ - The Secret to a Democrat Party Winning Ticket
in 2008 : Overcoming the Black -versus- Feminist Dilemma
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