Obama : Just Say No To Clinton As Vice-President - Pick Any'Other' Women And Win !
On Jun 3, 6:25 pm, RHF wrote:
In-Fact Barack Husssein Obama Jr. (BHO) needs a Women
on the Democrat Party Ticket to Assure a WIN in 2008
-because- of the Hillary 'Rotten' Clinton "Feminist-Factor"
among Democrat Party Women Voters.
Not necessarily. The threats by woman to not vote for Obama if he
doesn't choose Clinton as VP lacks credibility. Emotions are running
white hot now but when they cool off and rationally think about the
choice between Obama and Mccain the majority will vote Democratic.
Why? Because the next President could possibly be appointing as many
as four Supreme Court judges. Ms. Feminist and other females aren't
going to risk the anti-choice Mccain undoing Roe vs. Wade.
Clinton will get a cabinet position, probably Health, Education &
Welfare to work on her pet project - health care. And she should be
grateful that Obama even offers that after the dirty campaign she
If it is determined that a woman is needed for VP it will be Kansas
Governor Kathleen Sebelius who would be a much stronger selection than
the polarizing psychopathic. An interesting fact that many aren't
aware of is that Sebelius' father was Governor of Ohio a critical
swing state in November, after that he was a Professor at the Univ. of
Notre Dame (Indiana) - another key swing state.
To put a bow on it - Obama's wife intensely dislikes Hillary Clinton.
So sleep well - it "ain't goin happen."