"Tex" wrote in message
On Jun 4, 9:52 am, "MNMikew" wrote:
"Tex" wrote in message
What a totally classless broad. Instead of graciously allowing Sen.
Obama and supporters to enjoy their hard earned victory - a truly
historic event in US history - she forces herself into the spotlight
and rains on his parade with her supremely egotistical and ill-timed
We can add megalomaniahttp://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-megalomania.htm
to the list of mental illnesses she is obviously afflicted with.
She's delusional as well. Her VP dream simply isn't going to happen -
the taxpayers can't afford the food tasters that would be necessary
with the Clinton Creep show lurking the hallways.
The Clinton dynasty in American politics ended tonight. GOOD
Pretty much the only way Obama is going to win is by adding Hillary.
Otherwise Hillary voters go McCain. Whether he wants her or not, he
dosent have much choice as I see it.
You minah birds who parrot this lie really need to do more independent
thinking and stop letting the talking heads do it for you.
The specious argument that all woman who voted for Clinton will vote
for Mccain has already been discredited by all serious INDEPENDENT
pollsters. Repeating and repeating your wishful thinking isn't going
to make it happen.
Pollsters dont prove anything sweetie.
Your girl Hillary lost - get used to it and then get over it. Perhaps
you can work an invite to the pity party Lanny Davis, James Carville
and the rest of the creep show will be having when Obama announces his
VP choice.
Sorry, my girl is McCain. ;-)