Good Lord What Has Happened To Humanity?
Tex wrote:
On Jun 6, 8:23 am, dave
Bull****. Another manufactured crisis. There were multiple 9-1-1 calls
and paramedics were there in moments. You're not supposed to touch
injured people unless you know what you're doing.
Manufactured crisis? Paramedics there in "moments"? Both are lies. And
the third sentence of your post is disingenuous.
"First aid" is just what it says it is and something even a child can
render until the professionals arrive - stop the bleeding, check the
air passages - it saves lives every day.
And how about someone simply stepping up to direct traffic around the
victim so he doesn't get run over again? That doesn't take much
involvement much less skill.
Rationalize your conduct as you wish but don't expect decent and
caring folks to not recognize it for what it is. Your "f**k him,
ain't my problem dude" mentality is why tragedies like this occur all
too often.
If it were you or one of your loved ones lying paralyzed and bleeding
with traffic zipping about you might have a different attitude.
Be very careful, karma has a way of dealing with individuals like you
- I've seen it so many times.
There's just a few seconds of video. What happened when the video stops?