Good Lord What Has Happened To Humanity?
On Jun 5, 9:27*pm, Tex wrote:
Associated Press Writer
HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) - A 78-year-old man is tossed like a rag doll by
a hit-and-run driver and lies motionless on a busy city street as car
after car goes by. Pedestrians gawk but appear to do nothing. One
driver stops briefly but then pulls back into traffic. A man on a
scooter slowly circles the victim before zipping away.
The chilling scene _ captured on video by a streetlight surveillance
camera _ has touched off a round of soul-searching in Hartford, with
the capital city's biggest newspaper blaring "SO INHUMANE" on the
front page and the police chief lamenting: "We no longer have a moral
Video at
If you can stomach it.
Good Lord : Help =IF= You Can
* Call 911
* Put out a Road Flare
* Direct Traffic
* Hold The Victems Hand
* Stop the Bleeding
My God : Stay Out of the Way
* Be On Your Way -so- That Others Can Get There To Help.
* Don't Cause a Traffric Jam and Delay Help Arriving
idtars ~ RHF