Good Lord What Has Happened To Humanity?
On Jun 7, 2:46*pm, Johnny Borborigmi wrote:
On 2008-06-06 00:27:03 -0400, Tex said:
Associated Press Writer
HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) - A 78-year-old man is tossed like a rag doll by
a hit-and-run driver and lies motionless on a busy city street as car
after car goes by. Pedestrians gawk but appear to do nothing. One
driver stops briefly but then pulls back into traffic. A man on a
scooter slowly circles the victim before zipping away.
Yes I saw the vid, horrible. People just gawking, walking by. NOT ONE
person goes to help or comfort this poor guy. Welcome to America!
Luckily it's Not Always that way..
- anyone find out the mans name?