Thread: Johnson Ranger
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Old December 25th 04, 07:59 PM
Posts: n/a

The owner's and construction manuals as well as the schematic are
available here You will have to wait
until fewer people are logged into the bama ftp server.

Dick - W6CCD

On 25 Dec 2004 18:29:04 GMT, unicate (Fred McKenzie)

Does anyone know what the 8 pin octal tube just in front of the
rectifier is?

Just a guess, its been too long since I had one. Please forgive me if my
memory turns out to be faulty!

Could it be a voltage regulator tube? An 0D3/VR-150 or 0C3/VR-105 for example?
It would have an orange, pink or blue glow inside when working, depending on

I seem to recall that the Ranger used such a VR tube to stabilize the voltage
to the VFO, which would help prevent chirps. It might easily have been located
in the power supply section. If it doesn't use the octal version, it certainly
uses the miniature version like the 0A2 .

Isn't the final a 6146, and the modulators a pair of 6L6s? Those may be the
only other octal tubes.

73, Fred, K4DII