Obama beats the Cow!!!!
On Mon, 09 Jun 2008 23:08:05 GMT, Syfo-Dyas
|On Sun, 08 Jun 2008 17:31:40 -0400, james
|On Sun, 08 Jun 2008 15:27:23 GMT, Syfo-Dyas
||On Fri, 06 Jun 2008 17:14:51 -0400, james
||On Wed, 4 Jun 2008 19:57:51 -0500, "Yo Mamma"
wrote in message
||| WAHOO! McCain is in now!
|||And you, like McCain, are an idiot to believe so.
|||And what's up with you not liking a democrat? You do live in a section 8
||Actually right now it is McCain's race to loose. Obama will carry the
||black vote but can he win over the moderate white democratic vote?
||There is about 10% to 20% of the people in the US that will not vote
||for him simply because he is black. The question now is will that
||small block vote for McCain?
||Stupid is as Stupid does....
|Brilliant remark. Then maybe my expectations were to high.
|To be honest maybe so. I as a white male find it hard to believe that
|in the year 2008 we still have white people that will NOT vote for a
|candidate simply because he is black. However isnt Obama half white???
|I mean isnt he just as much white as he is black??? He was also raised
|by white people to my knowledge as well. Funny when you are half white
|and half black you are black.....
There are and probably there will always be. We as a diverse nation
are not as mature as one would think. Racism is still very much alive.
To some the fact that if he is half white/half black is more
irratating. Mix marraige is still not totally accepted within certain
parts of the US. It is getting better but still needs a ways to go.