Shortwave Groups
On Jun 12, 5:25*pm, Tex wrote:
m II wrote:
ewcbob wrote:
Yahoo has numerous moderated shortwave groups, with normal people
Well, let's take a look why this happened.
We have 435 postings by RHF, containing 213,000 links that would take
three lifetimes to read. Quality Quantity.
- Mike:
- How to get rid of the RHF problem has been a topic
- of discussion for what seems like forever to no avail.
- What suggestions do you have to solve the issue?
- The jerk's irresponsible behavior here really has driven
- away many useful contributors and that is a shame.
- 213,000 links?
I B Link-a-Fied
- He clearly is not well
Ah Diagnosis by Newsgroup !
- appears to be a obsessive compulsive disorder.
Tex that would be "OCD"
-or- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
. . . details, Details. DETAILS !
- Also starved for attention
Starved ? - Hell I am getting Fat off of what you post.
-ps- Tex then why do you feed me such great stuff ?
- even if its negative attention.
food for thought -is- Food For Thought !
- Pathetic,
Tex - "Pathetic" Thank You For Your 'expert' Opinion. ~ RHF