The Final Word on HD Radio
On Jun 13, 4:11*pm, wrote:
- s n i p -
- The problem is that hardly anyone buys radios, anymore
- radio will forever continue on its downward slide.
An Honest and True Assessment of the Reality that Radio
is as Medium that many just take-for-granted. It is 'old'
and Dated and lacks the 'sizzle' of New [Digital] Media.
I would say that today over half the 'radios' Sold are AM/FM
Clock Radios and the vast Majority of the Purchasers are
simply buying an Alarm Clock which happens to also have a
Radio inside it.
but... I still love to listen to the radio
always have and hopefully always will ~ RHF
-ps- I have Three (3) Radios next to my side of the bed
and not one of them is a Clock-Radio.