On Jun 18, 10:15*am, m II wrote:
I may have a problem with the character set in my browser. On the
following page,
At the location where it says:
RT = 2.5 + 1 + 3
RT = 6.5 XXXXX
I get something other than ohms.
I have placed XXXXX where the offending part is.
Are other people getting the same mistake?
I've talked to the web master, but he claims it's OK there.
Fine with my view of that link . I get RT = 2.5 + 1 + 3 k Omega even
when pasted to MS Word 2000, however look below when I paste here.
RT = 6.5 kW (W in english is Omega in greek) Omega is Extended ASCII
Table character 234 (
http://www.asciitable.com/). Extended ASCII is