On Jun 20, 9:55 am, an old friend wrote:
On Jun 19, 10:05 pm, RHF wrote:
- - Barack Hussein Obama II (BHO) could Win Popular Vote
- - and Lose the Electoral College Election -says- Al Gore
- -
- so what that is how the system works
- indeed I think the result is likely
An Old Friend,
What this 'potential' Outcome Means is :
Both Barack Hussein Obama II (BHO) and John "Smiley"
McCain have to Play the "Electoral College" Game to Win the Election
and not Chase After the Popular Vote.
There are in Fact Four Tiers to the "Electoral College" Game
an a Candidate has to Focus on Each of the Tiers in their
Order-of-Importance and have a Winning Strategy to Win
Each Tier.
TIER # 1 - There are 3 States with more than 30 Electoral
College Votes :
California (55)
Texas (34)
New York (31)
* Total 120 Votes
The Winner should Win 2-out-of-3.
TIER # 2 - There are 4 States with 20~29 Electoral College Votes
Florida (27)
Illinois (21)
Pennsylvania (21)
Ohio (20)
* Total 89 Votes {R/T 209}
The Winner should Win 3-out-of-4.
TIER # 3 - There are 13 States with 11~19 Electoral College Votes
Michigan (17)
New Jersey (15)
North Carolina (15)
Georga (15)
Virginia (13)
Massachusetts (12)
Indiana (11)
Tennessee (11)
Missouri (11)
Washington (11)
Arizona (10)
Minnesota (10)
Maryland (10)
* Total 161 Votes {R/T 370}
The Winner should Win 8-out-of-13.
These Twenty (20) States can "Control" the Electoral College
and Winning the Vast Majority can Tip the Election in favor
of one Candidate or the other.
TIER # 4 - The remaining 30 States only account for 168
of the Electoral College Votes and the Winner would only
need 58 Votes from these States to Win the Election.
What Is Need To Win the "Electoral College" Game
John "smiley" McCain needs Carl Rowe to help him
Win the Electoral College Election in 2008. Plus a
Stratigic Political Mistake by Barack Hussein Obama II
At present the reality is that Barack Hussein Obama II
(BHO) should Win the Electoral College by about 64
Votes : 301 to 237 of the Total of 538 Electors
=PROVIDED= BHO selects a Woman as his Vice
Presidential running mate. -imho- Not Selecting a
Women as his VP Running Mate would be a Stratigic
Political Mistake by BHO.
NOTE - That Is Any Women Except Hillary "Rotten" Clinton.
The Secret to a Democrat Party Winning Ticket in 2008 :
Overcoming the Black -versus- Feminist Dilemma
-DANGER- Should Barack Hussein Obama II (BHO) select
any Male as as his Vice Presidential running mate.
-AND- John "Smiley" McCain selects a Woman as his
Vice Presidential running mate.
-THEN- There is a distinct 'possibility' that Barack Hussein
Obama II (BHO) could Win the Popular Vote by a small
percentage of 1%~3% -and- Lose the All Important Electoral
College Vote by fewer than 14 Votes to John "Smiley" McCain.