Elkon / Elkin Linear amp.. help ?
On Jun 20, 5:11*pm, The-Captain wrote:
I don't have a scramatic for a four tube version of
the elkin linear amp.. what I need to know is the
infromation about the Capacitors that are mounted
inside the top compartment *between the tubes
and the trasformer, *the print on them has faded out
and I don't know what the genuine replacements are
for the two of them,
what I can tell you is the four tubes are 12dq6b *or 12gw6 tubes * the
caps are made by sprague..
thanks for any help anyone might be to me
more info,, the caps are made by sprague
they are the following is as much information is
what i can get
Sprague Twist Mount Metal Can Electrolytics
i think possibly 500v