I've bought a 30s vintage homebrew ham receiver that I plan
to restore. It's really nicely built with the exception of not having
any decent labeling of the front panel controls.
I seem to remember seeing ads in 30s QST and such for the little
metal tags with function names on them for use on home built radios.
Does anyone know of a source for these old tags, OR does anyone
have a stash of them in their junk box???
Right now all it has for control tags are old style Dymo labels.
I need tags for; Volume/AF Gain, RF Gain, CW Osc, Power, H.V. On/Stand
By-Operate, Crystal Filter, Headphones. Or variations of these.
I've started a web page to document the restoration project, check it
if you're interested.
73, Ron W4RON