Electrolytic got all explody...
This is from a Philco 46-350 portable. It was a four section (30/10/30/30)
filter 'lytic, and was in pretty much this condition when I got the radio.
Yesterday, I pulled it out. It used to be mounted to the chassis with a
couple of lugs. This mount came in handy for my replacement.
First, I took four 33uF/160V caps and tied all the negatives together,
forming a sort of clover shaped affair. I then attached the closest colors
to the originals that I had on hand, and wrapped a layer of double sided
foam tape around them.
Next, I took a smallish pill bottle (about 20% smaller overall than the
original cap), and cut a hole in the plastic cap to feed the wires through.
Then I took the caps and stuffed them into the bottle, allowing the foam
tape to hold the works firmly, and pushed on the lid. After this, I cut two
notches into the bottom side of the bottle.
After that was done, and I had a not bad looking replacement four section
'lytic, I fed a plastic tie up through the first hole in the chassis, then
attached a second and a third tie to the first. Then I placed the new part
with the wires through the original hole, and slid a fourth tie onto the
last, after feeding that tie through the remaining mounting hole, slid the
open side of the ties over the new cap, and allowed them to snap into the
notches I made, and cut off all the excess from all the ties. It mounts and
holds very nicely, and doesn't look horribly out of place.
Say no to institutionalized interference.
Just say NO to HD/IBOC!