In Case of Local or National Disaster Grap Your Wind-Up Analog Radio-cause- New Media Will Be Dead After Disaster
On Jul 1, 7:10*am, Rfburns wrote:
Just had a thought Struble. *U.S. Governmental agency FEMA suggest
that everyone have a wind-up radio just in case of a localized or
national disaster, flood, alien attack, etc. *You know - to get local
and national news, directions, exit information, etc.
But with your plan to trash analog radio just as soon as you and your
- FCC fag boys
can then how am I as Joe citizen going to get the
required information during a disaster?
Your iBiquiry “HD” radio will require a battery the size of a small
truck and cost $200. *No windup radio here boys. *But, of course it
will be CD quality audio.
Isn’t that like our useless intrusive Government - make decrees for
the “good” of the people and then the unintended consequences occur,
as they always do.
Booble Struble - I hope there’s a special place in Hell for you and
- FCC ****bags
– sincerely.
RF Burns - FCC fag boys -and- FCC ****bags you are
really going off the Anti-IBOC Deep End this Morning.
1 - IBOC Broadcasting still has an Analog Component.
-note- hope this corrects your 'fag boy' thinking
2 - FEMA Analog AM & FM Radio would be able to
pick-up a 'local' AM or FM Radio Station "in case of
a localized or national disaster".
-note- hope this corrects your '**** bag' attitude
3 - While all your so called New Media -will- Not Be
Ready For Prime Time without any AC Power and
DOA Server Farms; plus all the WiFi Hot Spots
will be as cold as hell; then again your Lap Top's
Battery will be dead in a day.
4 - God Only Knows -if- Your Cell Phone Will Work
=BUT= That Wind-Up Radio will still be cracking
away the News and Info You Need to Be Safe.
it's time to enjoy my free over-the-air radio
be it analog or digital ~ RHF