On Jul 1, 8:43*am, Rfburns wrote:
- If you believe your Government has your interest
- in mind when they make decisions - think again.
We Are From The Government -and- We Are Here To Help You . . .
- - - dang that line still makes me laugh
IBOC & HD-Radio = Follow-the-Money = Bu$ine$$ & Politi˘$
-*Your Government is a whore to the highest bidder
- and you pay the price for the whore.
- - - go to most 'other' countries and you will learn
quickly that a high-priced-whore is far better then
a two-bit dictator.
F˘˘ & U$ ˘ongre$$ = Follow-the-Money = Bu$ine$$ & Politi˘$
RF Burns - You are really going off the Anti-IBOC
Deep End this Morning.
RF Burns - Here is a "Tip" for Better Happier Living :
Start Each Morning with a few Minutes of Joy by . . .
Turning-On and Listening to the Free Over-the-Air
AM & FM Radio courtesy of the FCC and your
Local AM & FM Radio Broadcasters .

it's time to enjoy my free over-the-air radio
be it analog or digital ~ RHF