Question about Measuring and cutting coax length
I want to measure and cut some coax for 14.200 MHz. It is to be connected
to my Cushcraft MA5B
I have cut off a 100 feet of RG-213 coax and have put a PL-259 on one end.
I have a T connector connected to the analyse with a 50 Ohm dummy load on
one side of the T and the 100 feet of coax on the other side of the T.
I then go into SWR mode on the Analyser and sweep, the nearest dip it gives
is at 13.105 MHz. I expected it to be nearer to 14 MHz. Would this be about
Before I start cutting bits off the coax I wanted to make sure that this is
correct or is there is a better way?
How crucial is the length of coax in the first place?
73 Andy