Interesting World Wide DX 7-Band HF Off-Center-Fed Dipole Antenna
Listed on eBay from the UK.
This is a simple Two Wire OCF Dipole Antenna using a
6:1 Matching Transformer with a Coax Cable feed-in-line.
INFO presented SWR Chart; Diagram of a suggested
Inverted "V" Antenna Set-up; and Pictures.
Matching Transformer is 300 Ohm to 50 Ohm (6:1)
with an SO-239 Coax Cable Connector.
Also has good Installation Information {Tips}
The Antenna is 'cut' for the Ham Bands with a Short Side 45
Feet and a Long Side 90 Feet for 135 Feet Total Tip-to-Tip.
For the International Shortwave Radio Bands this OCF Dipole
could be trimmed to Short Side 39 Feet and a Long Side 71
for 110 Feet Total Tip-to-Tip. Having a 120* Inverted "V"
Antenna mounting Height of 37 Feet.
-or- Even smaller {shorter} with a Short Side 25 Feet and
a Long Side 48 Feet for 73 Feet Total Tip-to-Tip. Having
a 120* Inverted "V" Antenna mounting Height of 25 Feet.