Part three of many
On Jul 9, 8:10 pm, "Clark Kent" wrote:
"Art Unwin" wrote in message
... On Jul 9, 12:55 am, "Clark Kent" wrote:
"Art Unwin" wrote in message
[text deleted]
Art Unwin
I went to your website but I didn't see any specific antenna
like a ham might want to build a new type of antenna, to try it out.
[text deleted
A helix is an excellent example to talk about to arrive at small full
wave antennas.
When you follow the reasoning of the extension to Gaussian law of
statics which makes
it dynamic it brings to the surface that a radiator can be any size or
shape as long as it is in equilibrium.
[ text deleted]
By the way my antennas are always of a full wavelength which by virtue
of its reduced volume then becomes a small FULL wave antennas to
retain the inherrent efficiencies of full wave antennas in equilibrium
as well as resonant.
Allow me to continu on this line of thinking. It should now be seen
that an array is also shrunken not only by the shortened elements but
also by the fact that element spacings conform to the equilibrium of
the array as a whole! We then have an array that does not have to have
elements at certain distance from each other ad infirnitum but just
two elements much closer together where all radiation is accounted
Hope the above helps you out.
[text deleted]
Cheers and beers
Art Unwin KB9MZ
Well, I'm good with the cheers and beers, but no way am I close
to clipping and snipping (wire) to make an Unwin Antenna.
What do they look like? Photos? Diagrams? Crayola drawings?
Don't get me wrong, OM, theory is important but there's no textbook
that loads up at 7220 KHz. Show me some metal parts.
I am sharing information with all so there is nothing to stop you
making one for your own use.
I really want the Britts to use it on their small gardens at the back
and get on the top bands.
They are still into experimenting oiver there where America still is
in the throw away society
preferring the Lazy Boy and a six pack instead of a hobby. All they
want to be is LOUD and talk over the other cb ers
which is why their interest in antennas evolve solely around gain and
a amplifier.
Read some of the postings and eventually you will find where it tells
you how to make one as I am not giving them away
for trial runs on the air. Just follow what is evident, a radiator can
be any shape size or elevation as long as it is in equilibrium.
Put another way if during construction you add lumped loads in any
form then they must be cancelled. Now let your imagination run wild.
I have made one in sheet form so there are plenty of options