FYI, FWIW..the Grundig G5 SWL receiver
On Jul 11, 9:15 pm, A wrote:
On Thu, 10 Jul 2008, Jim, K7JEB wrote:
On Jul 10, 10:07 am, A wrote:
Yesterday I bought, from a local Radio Shack, a Grundig
G5 SWL receiverand found myself quite pleased with it and
decided to share this with y'all. $150....
Richie wrote:
I cannot understand why you changed the heading and not just start
your own posting to advertise this SS, modern receiver on the
Boatanchors forum?
It's the kind of receiver boatanchor guys like to have around
when they are not up to hauling the vacuum-tube beasties out
on a picnic but want to listen-in to the nightly cacophony on
80 meters??
Jim, K7JEB
Jim, I interpret your comments as seeing what I was trying to do...just
share that this would be a nice little receiver with serious
enough capability for a range of capability including "reading the mail"
on ham bands. If I were to guess what is bothering Richie, it is that some
newsreaders and news handling services handle some posts based on internal
ID numbers rather than subject lines and other ISP services handle these
the other way around. I have no idea why people get bent out of shape so
much if something shows up in their thread that makes no sense because
their service holds a post in a thread even though the subject line
I am still tickled to pieces with my G5. Almost fee like a kid, again,
with a precious new toy.
Hi A;
I have no problem with reading your info about this receiver & cud
care less where you posted it.
Each to thier own.
I just figured you'd get more exposure iffin you started your own post
& not dump on some one else's is all.
No Harm done.
I have a few Older SS SW receivers that I use also like my CRF-150
Sony, its big enough to almost qualify as BA Status, hi!