Dave wrote:
dxAce wrote:
m II wrote:
Billy Burpelson wrote:
Was this actually said by Bush? Direct quote? If so, references please.
The reason I ask is, if true, it seems an astoundingly impolitic
statement to be made by a sitting president.
"Stop throwing the Constitution in my face," Bush screamed back. "It's
just a goddamned piece of paper!"
http://www.gnn.tv/threads/10799/Bush...e ce_of_paper
Lots mo
Perhaps what he was trying to indicate was that we cannot allow our enemies (such as dumbass
Canucks) to use OUR Constitution to destroy OUR country via internal means.
That makes no sense. There is nothing to protect if we lose the
Constitution. Bin Laden wants Bush to destroy the country for him.
Bush has done everything Bin Laden wants.
Really? Has he chopped off your worthless head yet?
I know, I know, you've already lost your mind, so why worry about the head, right?