"ml" wrote in message
This is exactly what you want:
http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_publi...CC-08-72A2.pdf .
alphabetical by state, so scroll down to NYC on page 34.
Yes, the action on UHF will be hot, since Channels 2 - 6 are not great
digital TV signals and are being avoided.
Also, please note the existence of newsgroup alt.video.digital-tv which
much more on-point for your question.
BTW, newsgroups are not for text-messages. Using punctuation and
letters makes it easier to read your questions. Thanks. (Or maybe tks
Thanks very much for the info, and that link.
I actually found a simular link, what i can't tell from the above
link, is if it reflects the current state todate or if it is the
planed/proposed listing for after Feb. .
Do you happen to know what that was listed under?? I tried to back
out of the link and just got error msg
thanks again very much
I got it from
www.tvfool.com . Near the top, find "Latest News" and click
"Updated Post-transition Records." On that page, it's the pdf link in the
third paragraph. That paragraph gives you a hint of where it came from:
http://www.fcc.gov/dtv/ but, so sorry, nothing on that page relates.
Furthermore -- and here it gets really depressing -- a search of fcc.gov for
"post transition," shows there's still a steady stream of fresh changes.
Just one, last week, Channel 49 in Bainbridge, Georgia, wants to be channel
50. Not a big Whoop for NYC, but what it really shows is that not
everything is nailed down.