You might try Mini-Circuits MAR-6s.
More than likely they are MMICs designed
for 50 ohm systems--just remember to adjust
the bias resistors for the devices you put in.
Zack Lau W1VT
"Jerry W. O'Dell" wrote in message
This isn't precisely homebrew, but I have a Startek counter, ATH-10.
I think the recent storms have blown the input transistors. Trouble is
that they're not transistors, apparently, but little integrated
I have not the faintest idea of what they are. I think they're made by
Microtek or some such thing, but they seem to be gone.
No great loss. Not a great counter, but it was handy. Shouldn't
leave it hooked up during a storm!
Please reply to
Thanks and 73, Jerry, W8GND