OT Bad Ass Barack Hussein Obama II Gets Real {The Sequel}
On Jul 20, 2:11 pm, "Billy Smith"
Hey hypocrite, where's the (OT)?
He's just another two faced Republican lying ****
Bob & Billy you are both right on the mark. RHF (aka Retired Halfassed
Fool) is a despicable hypocrite who lies with disturbing fluidity.
And of course Mr. CONservative Republican is against big government,
taxes, and all the other platitudes the simpletons endlessly slobber
on and on about.
Totally unconflicted by the fact he sucked off the teat of the
government for over 30 years as a government bureaucrat. A parasite
who made his living being a pain in the ass to the people who were
taxed to pay for his bloated salary and the gravy train of benefits
the rest of us don't receive.
He truly is a loathsome loser who obviously has WAY too much free time
on his hands. And very deserving of the contempt most in this group
have for him.