Pete KE9OA wrote:
start he
if you know the parameters of the heat sink in question, a search through
these pages on the Mouser website should give you what you need. there are
several pages to go through, so you do have your work cut out for you!
"Gary" wrote in message
I'm finding that if you're looking for any heatsink that there are
zillions of places to pick one up and that if you are looking for
a particular sink that it is a futile task. With a little help
from my friends, I'm putting together the mosfet amp in the 2006 handbook
and I've pretty much secured everything on the parts list save the
heatsink. It is the same unit that was used on the original FARA amp as
well. Anyone have this beast in the junk bin or know of a purveyor who
might?? I've scoured the web and no joy so far. The sink is an AAVID
part (#244609B02). Thanks in advance all.
Thanks for the advice. Mouser very nearly had a replacement. The unit
has horizontal fins instead of vertical and as my application is
convection-only, this likely tips the balance on effectiveness (safety).
Did find another site and it looks like a good one. It's Nebraska Sales
and Surplus. I've purchased from them before and have no complaints.
Thanks again for the quick replies.