HRO-50T1 Gear mech. question, etc.
I recently acquired an HRO-50T1. After a re-cap job, tubes, cleaning,
and a light alignment, it now works just fine. I have a question about
lubricating the HRO dial mechanism. It seems to be dragging and mildly
squeeks. Its not binding; it just sounds dry or something. Also, how
the heck does one change the dial lights? It appears that a complete
removal of the cabinet/front panel is required. Can anyone confirm this
or know the real secret? Finally, I have a 50-1 book from one of the
manual providers and it shown use of a 6SN7 in the audio chain. Mine
has a 6SJ7 instead. Is my 50T1 receiver a later or earlier version of
the 50-1 series?
Thanks much.