On Aug 4, 1:40*pm, Telamon
In article Urxlk.4105$nu6.2885@edtnps83, m II wrote:
On Sun, 03 Aug 2008 12:26:26 -0700
Telamon wrote:
This issue has a good antenna article on loop antennas but for some
strange reason the author seems to think it is only a good AMBCB
antenna. This antenna type is excellent for SW also. Depending on what
frequencies you want to the antenna to operate on and the circumference
of the loop you will not need a matching transformer. Closed loop
antennas are generally superior in urban environments with local noise
sources for a number of reasons.
There is also a good article on propagation by Tomas Hood.
Have you heard anything about those hula-hoop sized loops? If I can find a
suitable tuning capacitor I might try building one. The directional abilities
look useful.
A hula-hoop size loop will be large enough if you can tune it to
resonance with a capacitor. I have not used a small tuned loop for SW
but the experiences of others indicate that unlike AMBCB the SW signals
are more scattered in the ionosphere and so are more difficult to null.
You should have good success on the lower SW bands but should expect
poorer nulling the higher in frequency you go.
I do use larger single turn loops for AMBCB and SW. I have noticed that
they appear less directionally selective at higher frequencies.
The article in Popular Communications show several types of single turn
wire loop antennas if you are interested.
Ventura, California- Hide quoted text -
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The Shortwave (SW) Loop Antennas are better for
Peaking the RF Signals for a Shortwave (SW) Radio
Band -and- Nulling-Out your 'local' Noise Source(s).
Edek Electronics "Torus-Tuner" Loop Antennas
{Basically a Hula Hoop with Wires inside It.}
Building as Torus Tuner {Equivalent} AM/MW Loop Antenna
The Edek "Torus-Tuner" 16" Shortwave Loop Antenna is a very
good Antenna for anyone living in a Condo or Apartment -or-
who Travels often and likes to Listen to the Shortwave Radio.
FWIW - I have one of the Edek "Torus-Tuner" 16" Shortwave
Loop Antenna sitting on-top-of a Grundig Satellit 800-M Radio
next to this Computer right now; and it does Help to Bring-in
the Shortwave Radio Stations and cut down on the local RFI /
EMF Noise inside the House.
stay-tuned & in-the-loop - iane ~ RHF {pomkia}