On Aug 8, 11:53*am, dxAce wrote:
- WLS and ABC news reporting that John Edwards will admit
- on 'Nightline' tonight to having an extra-marital affair!
- dxAce
- Michigan
OK so now John Edwards Admits to an Extra-Marital Affair
-but- It Ain't His Love Child * * *
Democrat Presidential candidate John Edwards
is caught up in a Love Child Scandal . . .
a blockbuster ENQUIRER investigation has discovered.
Former Democrat Presidential candidate John Edwards was
fighting for his political future yesterday as America's mainstream
media began reporting a colourful scandal involving his 'alleged'
and a disputed "Secret Love Child", and an altercation at a
Beverly Hills hotel in the early hours of Tuesday morning.
John Edwards’ reluctance to refute 'allegations' that he had
an affair and child with his former videographer Rielle Hunter.
Now claims that -if- Payments were made to the Mother
in support of the Child : He did not make them; and 'other'
unknown to Him may have done so . . .
FWIW - I would have respected John Edwards more
-if- He had made the Payments Himself and taken
responsibility for the support of His {Assumed} Child.
The Simple Answer to All the Questions -is- DNA Testing
[ Establishing the True Paternity of the Child. ]
Guess Who Ain't Going to be on stage at the Democrat
National Convention in Denver !
ok - show me your mud ~ RHF