UK "Pineapple" EVHF antenna
In article ,
"Brian Reay" wrote:
Does anyone know the details of this beast, in particular the innards of the
pineapple part, please?
A balun and an attenuator[1], hence the cooling fins.
It works on the principle that a dipole 8 metres up will give better[2]
results than a vertical rod near ground level, despite the attenuator.
The attenuator is there to reduce the reflected power caused by mismatches
over the fairly wide frequency range used and the fixed length dipole.
Bear in mind it's for military use at relatively limited ranges and not
designed for any kind of DX work.
(The technical manuals are available in the usual place.)
[1] Contains Beryllium Oxide, do not cut up the internals!
[2] FSVO
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Dominic Lawson