On Aug 17, 6:06*pm, "Justis" wrote:
- Serial # *s8206022508
- Would this radio one of the ones that were OK to buy....
- all the bugs worked out and the newer ball bearing tuner?
"S8" = Satellit 800
"2" = 2002 {Year of Assembly}
"06" = June (06) {Month of Assembly}
"022508" is the Ordinal Serial Number
GS800Ms assemblied in the Year 2002 were into what
was called the 3rd Generation [OK] GS800Ms.
However, some 'quality' problems were noted in those
GS800Ms assembled in April 2002 [S8204********]
With any 'used' item the prior owner can have much
to do with the present 'quality' of the GS800M Radio.
For those interested in the Grundig Satellit 800
Millennium Radio Check-Out the Grundig Satellit
800 Millennium Radio Group
GS800M =
hope this helps ~ RHF