Johnson T-R switch receive port output levels?
On Aug 20, 9:37*am, "Bob Spooner" wrote:
I have acquired a Johnson T-R switch and during testing at 3.5+ MHz. and
about 100W into a good dummy load, with the receive port terminated with 51
ohms I'm seeing an initial level on the order of four volts peak before the
6BL7 shuts off and reduces the level. *Is this normal? If not, what is
Thanks. 73, Bob *AD3K
Bob,I haven`t used one of these in years ,But, I think that 4 volts at
rec terminals would be acceptable ..At 4 volts on rec terminals not
enough current would flow to do any damage to the input circuit..High
voltage to rec terminals ,like lightning surges etc are the ones that
do damage.. GL Harold W4PQW