"W9HGO" wrote in message
On Aug 26, 9:46 am, "Harold E. Johnson"
A good, comprehensive answer but I don't think the
original question was quite as clear as you think. Also,
name of the book requires some clarification: you may be
right that he wants "How to Operate an Amateur Radio
Station" but I am not sure how old a first or second
would be. In any case the older ARRL handbooks cover a
of CW stuff like handling traffic etc. Being a long time
person myself perhaps it seems simpler to me than to
new. I certainly encourage anyone to wants to practice
Richard Knoppow
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Michael you were spot on to understand what I meant.
Thank you.
I thought my subject line would have been very clear.
Since it is exactly the title of what I am looking for.
And since I was not sure if I could locate a first edition
I left the option open for the second.
I did find a 1966 first edition. I am excited.
Richard how come you don't put your call letters
in your signature?
See you on the bands
73, Harry
W9HGO -SKCC #4647
Probably because he didn't think it important to the
subject at hand. And,
perhaps he thought that if you thought it important, you
would have looked
WB6KBL up on QRZ.com.
Hi Harold,
I did not see WB6KBL any, sorry.
But now I see that there is a view profile option.
Not quite used to reading Usenet on Google.
Harold here is something you might enjoy
73, Harry
W9HGO -SKCC #4647
I'm on the QRZ database. My call dates to the 1960s
when I was first licensed. I let that license lapse and just
recently got re-licensed and asked to get my old call back.
Its a clumsey call but somehow I wanted some continuity.
Richard Knoppow
Los Angeles, CA, USA