On Aug 26, 8:38*pm, Bluefartingpenguin12 wrote:
On Aug 26, 8:32*pm, Wingdingaling6 wrote:
On Aug 26, 6:59*pm, wrote:
Michelle Malkin is actually an ASIAN SHEMALE. She/He/It has a 14" long
COCK hidden inside her oversize panties. Alex Jones *wants to get
inside her pants and sit on her ENORMOUS MALE/FEMALE Transgendered
organ in Macy's window in NYC so he can sell DVD's of the sorrid event
on his paranoid website.
For now he's out at the DNC in Denver with his bullhorn promoting his
latest 9/11 video: "Bin Laden Assfu-ked The Twin Towers" featuring new
and never before seen video of human/goat-copulation in Tora Bora.
What a hit!
LINK to Alex Jones going into meltdown at the DNC hehttp://gatewaypundit.blogspot.com/20...helle-malkin-a...
That was Pure Bulldada,
Boy that was refreshing! News pretending to be a reality show
pretending to be news.
Steve Green Is My New Shordurpersav,
Capt. Zeston Norelco