(OT) : Another Poster Child For the OBAMA-Nation Revelling inAmerica's Set-Backs and Calling Them Failures
RHF wrote:
On Aug 27, 7:36 pm, wrote:
Must confess that I find this very gratifying. Who doesn't enjoy
seeing a bully get their comeuppance?
U.S. Navy backs off deployment in tense Georgian porthttp://news.yahoo.com/s/mcclatchy/20080827/wl_mcclatchy/3029488
Gay, Lesbian, Transgendered Shortwave Club
AW - Taking Joy in any Set-Back of the US Mititary
Makes You the Poster Child For the OBAMA-Nation.
(OT) : Another Poster Child For the OBAMA-Nation
Revelling in America's Set-Backs and Calling Them Failures
America has no business anywhere near Georgia. That's Putin's turf.