On Aug 31, 8:47*am, Dave wrote:
On Sun, 31 Aug 2008 03:34:28 -0700, RHF wrote:
- The disease is : LIBERALISM
Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder -by- Michael Savage
To demonise liberalism is to demonise the founding of the USA. *
Liberalism is at the root of Americanism. *Mike Weiner is a despicable
President Ronald Reagan said he believed that "the very heart and soul
of conservatism is libertarianism."
Once again Dr. DaviD - PhD (Piled higher & Deeper) eschews historical
facts and injects the Neo-Communist propaganda lie.
The Liberalism equated with the founders of the U.S. is the farthest
from the reality behind the high-jacking of the term Liberalism by Neo-
The correct term to describe Dr. DaviD - PhD is Liberal Socialist or
Neo-Liberal or Liberal Fascist. It does away with everything the
founders represent and injects the Neo-Communist philosophy under the
guise of Liberalism. Communists will always high-jack any cause which
will attract the largest gullable participants.
The term of modern Liberalism and the ilk of its followers is indeed
deserving of the distain heaped upon the term.
Read your history and know your facts to avoid the ills of the
Dr.DaviD - PhD disease!