Yes, it is mounted vertically. Not a true square, since the two tree
branches at 75 feet are only 65 feet apart. So, it is a trapezoid, with the
bottom wire about 80 feet long. Feeding a corner with a 1/4 wave section (at
3800) of RG11 75 Ohm coax. This goes into about 100 feet of LMR240. SWR at
the shack end of the 240 is about 1.1:1 at resonance. SWR on 40 and 17
meters is about 5:1. but my Ameritron amp with a Pi network output will load
up OK on both bands. I just keep the power down to 600W or so. I am looking
at replacing the RG11 with a 2.25:1 transformer.
"Desmoface" wrote in message
I had about the same results with my loop. I ended up whacking off about
feet after I put it up, and a year later whacked off another 5.
Tam, sounds like your loop is situated vertically?? What did you use for a
feedline? Did you use a balun? What was the lowest swr you obtained??