National NC300 restoration hints needed.
Bill Gunshannon wrote:
In article eMxvk.490$Wd.356@trnddc01,
"Paul P" REMOVE paul @ REMOVE ppinyot . REMOVEcom writes:
Gentlemen and any Ladies,
I have a National NC300 that I will be restoring. At minimum replacing the
electrolytic capacitors.
Glad you brought that up. I have a couple of antique radios I would like to
restore. All of them need replacements for the big can multi-section caps
in the power supply. Where does one find replacements for these today?
I just got a brand new Allied Catalog (I didn't even know they were still
in business) but they have nothing even vaguely similar.
Antique Electronics Supply has them, but you can scoop the insides out of
the old cans and solder new caps in there, if you want the same appearance
for less money.
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."