"Bill Gunshannon" wrote in message
In article eMxvk.490$Wd.356@trnddc01,
"Paul P" REMOVE paul @ REMOVE ppinyot . REMOVEcom writes:
Gentlemen and any Ladies,
I have a National NC300 that I will be restoring. At minimum replacing
electrolytic capacitors.
Glad you brought that up. I have a couple of antique radios I would like
restore. All of them need replacements for the big can multi-section caps
in the power supply. Where does one find replacements for these today?
I just got a brand new Allied Catalog (I didn't even know they were still
in business) but they have nothing even vaguely similar.
One of these radios is very valuable to me sentimentally as it was the
radio I ever repaired, when I was 9 years old. It is an old Philco and
listening to shortwave after repairing it is probably what got me
in electronics and radio in the first place.
I'll let you know how I handle the electrolytic. Either I will restuff the
cans or place new ones under the chassis and abandon the cans in place. See
my web site for cap can restuffing;
http://www.ppinyot.com/C/capacitor_stuffing.htm (This is a hobby site.
Nothing for sale).
Paul P.