Who is ObaMao's "racist" role model?
and ObaMao's "spiritual" leader for how many decades?
“Obama is Comfortable With People Who Hate This Country”
ObaMao is the Democratic Party candidate for the US presidency largely
because of the support of two Marxist organisations-Democratic
Socialists of America (DSA) [See Obama-file 7 Barack Obama and the
Democratic Socialists of America]
and the Communist Party USA (CPUSA)
[See Why Do The Communists Back Barack?, June 17, 2007]
Together these two groups have strong ties to the Congressional
Progressive Caucus (CPC) [See Mark My Words Readers, This is the Most
Socialist US Government in Decades, November 11, 2006]
The Committees for Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism (CCDS)
is, after Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and Communist Party
USA (CPUSA), the third largest most influential marxist group in the
USA. Formed in 1992 from a large split in the CPUSA, CCDS is
influential in Chicago, New York, California and some other centres in
the union movement and in black communities.
BTW, who is Founder, editor and namesake of The Huffington Post,
Arianna Huffington?
Left syndicated columnist and media personality
2003 California gubernatorial candidate
Divorced wife of California Congressman and oil millionaire Michael
Member and ordained minister of John-Roger “cult” the Movement of
Spiritual Inner Awareness
Former disciple of group-sex and germ-warfare guru Bhagwan Shree
Arianna Huffington is a “progressive independent” syndicated
columnist, author, media personality, and co-host of the nationally
distributed public radio program Left, Right & Center, for which she
originally represented the “right.” In May 2005 she became founder,
editor and namesake of the Huffington Post, a webzine and Internet
“blog” featuring mostly left-liberal participants whose writings there
are also distributed to newspapers by the Chicago Tribune’s Tribune
Media Services.
Huffington was born Arianna Stassinopoulos on May 15, 1950 in Athens,
Greece. Her mother Elli was active in the Communist-led Greek
resistance movement during World War II. Her journalist father
Constantine edited the resistance newspaper Paron, survived internment
in a Nazi concentration camp, and after the war became a publisher.
When Arianna was 16 her parents divorced, and she and her younger
sister moved with their mother to England.
In England Arianna attended Cambridge University, where she studied
Keynesian economics at Girton College and one of her tutors was the
Maoist economist Joan Robinson. At Cambridge she became the first
foreign-born female president of the famed debating society the
Cambridge Union and an outspoken Tory. She graduated in 1972 with a
master’s degree in economics.
After dating John Selwyn, a young Conservative Member of Parliament,
Arianna met and settled into a close eight-year relationship with
Times of London columnist Bernard Levin, 22 years her senior, who she
did not marry but described, after his 2004 death, as “the big love of
my life.” While with him she published her first book in 1973, The
Female Woman, a response to Germaine Greer’s best-seller The Female
Eunuch that accused orthodox feminists of denigrating a woman’s
freedom to choose marriage and motherhood.
In search of spirituality, Arianna read the collected works of
psychoanalyst Carl G. Jung. She introduced Levin to an organization
called Insight whose rituals encouraged followers to act out their
The future Arianna Huffington also became a disciple of the Indian
guru Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, whose cult practiced open sexual
intercourse among its members, and with its leader, as a central
sacrament of their faith. This cult later moved to America’s West
Coast and attempted to take over an Oregon town. Bhagwan devotees were
directed to purchase what eventually became 139 white Rolls Royces for
their leader. As Judith Miller and two other New York Times
investigative reporters recounted in their 2001 book Germs: Biological
Weapons and America’s Secret War, the Rajneesh cult spread potentially
lethal Salmonella bacteria in this town. Rajneesh cult members did
this as a way of infecting and incapacitating town residents on
election day so that cult voters could win control of the local
government. The Bhagwan died in 1990.
“It was like knowing there was another dimension to life and that I
wanted to experience it, knowing that nothing else mattered as much,”
Huffington later told Stephanie Mansfield of the Washington Post about
this time of her life. “It took me over completely.”
Out of this spiritual experience, Arianna in 1979 published her second
book, After Reason (published in England with the title The Other
Revolution). In it she criticized both the right and left for doing
too little for society’s poor.
In 1980 Arianna moved to New York City and soon began to tour the
United States to promote her new book about a Greek operatic diva,
Maria Callas: The Woman Behind the Legend. In 1988 she wrote a
biography of Pablo Picasso, Picasso: Creator and Destroyer, which was
the subject of a lawsuit from one of Picasso’s mistresses who Arianna
had interviewed.
While visiting California she met the man who remains her spiritual
guide to this day, John-Roger (Hinkins), founder of a New Age church
apparently spun off from the ECKANKAR cult teachings of Paul
Twitchell. John-Roger’s Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA)
is a faith based on “the Mystical Traveler, a spiritual consciousness
that exists throughout all levels of God’s creation.”
One disciple of John-Roger’s was the New York Times best-selling
author Peter McWilliams. As a de-programmed ex-member, McWilliams
wrote the expose Life 102: What to Do When Your Guru Sues You (1994).
In this book McWilliams alleged that the charismatic John-Roger had
told McWilliams the he (McWilliams) could be cured of AIDS if he wrote
books giving John-Roger co-authorship and at least half of the books’
profits, which the “brainwashed” McWilliams agreed to do. To this day,
John-Roger insists that he was the chief writer of such co-authored
best-sellers as Life 101, and implied that McWilliams was more his
scribe than a co-equal author.
In Life 102 McWilliams described how Arianna Huffington, too, had been
duped by John-Roger and had become a major contributor to, and an
ordained minister of, MSIA. McWilliams released to the press a video
of Huffington in a white robe being baptized by John-Roger. “I’ve
gotten a lot of value from John-Roger’s work,” said Arianna
Huffington. “He’s a good friend.”
In the United States, Arianna dated a variety of men. Among them were
real estate tycoon and U.S. News & World Report Editor-in-Chief Mort
Zuckerman and former California Governor Jerry Brown. Dole Pineapple
CEO David Murdoch and his wife then introduced her to Texas oil
millionaire Michael Huffington, who she married in April 1986 in a
wedding ceremony financed as a gift by Ann Getty. But Arianna's
friendship with Getty ended when the latter found that Huffington had
frivolously spent $30,000 on her wedding dress and $100,000 in all.
Heir to approximately $80 millon from the sale of his family’s oil
company, Michael Huffington spent $5.4 million in 1992 to win a seat
in Congress from Santa Barbara, California. In 1994 he ran for U.S.
Senate against longtime veteran Democratic politician and incumbent
Dianne Feinstein and narrowly lost. One issue contributing to his
defeat was public concern over Arianna Huffington’s links to the John-
Roger cult. “He has more influence on her than anyone else in the
world,” Michael Huffington years later told the New York Times of
Arianna’s relationship with John-Roger.
In 1995 the new Republican Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich helped
make Arianna Huffington a senior fellow at his conservative think tank
the Progress and Freedom Foundation, creating its “Center for
Effective Compassion” (her name and idea) to advocate volunteerism as
an alternative to the welfare state. She hosted the talk show Critical
Mass on Republican Party-attuned National Empowerment Television. Her
column in the conservative Washington Times newspaper was soon
syndicated nationwide.
Huffington’s relationship with Gingrich soured abruptly for reasons
unexplained. (In her 2000 book How To Overthrow the Government,
Huffington claims that Gingrich did not care about the poor.)
Returning to California after her husband Michael was forced to give
up his congressional seat when he ran for the Senate, Arianna quickly
organized a quite different social scene around herself -- consisting
of media leftists like Harry Shearer, Bill Maher, Al Franken, and Los
Angeles Times columnist Robert Scheer.
Soon she became a frequent guest on television, embraced by Maher and
Franken who understood the 180-degree turn she was about to make
better than most. In 1996 the cable channel Comedy Central made
Franken and Huffington a team covering that year’s political
conventions, and she was nominated for an Emmy for her role in this
coverage. She was able to keep her credibility as a conservative,
however, by hammering President Clinton with some wit during the
Monica Lewinsky affair and impeachment process.
Huffington continued to write books. Her coffee table volume The Gods
of Greece (1983) described the deities of Greek mythology as
representing “powerful psychological realities.” Under her married
name she wrote about her continuing spiritual exploration in Fourth
Instinct: The Call of the Soul (1994). And, while ostensibly still a
conservative, she wrote about President Bill Clinton’s sex scandal in
a novel, Greetings from the Lincoln Bedroom (1998).
In 1997 the Huffingtons divorced, with Arianna receiving an
undisclosed but large financial settlement in the seven-figure range.
This event became a watershed in her orientation and choice of
political bedfellows.
“She’s a chameleon,” Michael Huffington told the New York Times to
describe his former wife. Since their divorce, Arianna Huffington’s
political positions have shifted dramatically towards the left. She
now describes herself as a “progessive independent” who is “coming
from the fourth dimension of political time and space.”
In 2000 Arianna Huffington was deeply involved in staging the “Shadow
Conventions” designed as media propaganda shows to undermine
Republicans and nudge Democrats farther to the political left. These
mock “conventions” were organized by the “Shadow Party” organizations
funded by George Soros and other wealthy leftists.
Huffington’s books in recent years reflect her new left-leaning slant.
They include How to Overthrow the Government (2000); Pigs at the
Trough: How Corporate Greed and Political Corruption Are Undermining
America (2003); and Fanatics and Fools: The Game Plan for Winning Back
America (2004).
In 2003 Arianna Huffington ran as an “independent” candidate in the
California election that recalled incumbent Democratic Governor Gray
Davis. She directed almost all her fire on consensus Republican
candidate Arnold Schwarzenegger, who ultimately won. One of
Huffington’s chief campaign advisors during this race was her close
personal friend Jodie Evans, co-founder of Code Pink. Huffingtom
received only one percent of the primary votes cast. One issue that
cut against her was that despite living in a $7 million mansion,
holding and making huge amounts of money, and demanding higher taxes
on corporations, she herself had paid only $771 in federal taxes over
the previous two years.
On May 9, 2005, Huffington launched HuffingtonPost.com, a website
openly intended to do for the political left what Matt Drudge’s
DrudgeReport.com has done to coalesce the right. As the New York Times
reported, Huffington hired for her new website, Drudge’s “right-hand
web whiz, Andrew Breitbart.”
In a May 2008 interview with John Stossel, Huffington boasted that she
drove a Prius hybrid vehicle in an effort to help reduce global
warming. When Stossel pointed out that Huffington “also has a $7-
million house that burns more carbon than a hundred people in the
Third World,” Huffington replied: “There is no question that the fact
that I'm living in a big house, I occasionally travel on private
planes -- all those things are contradictions. I'm not setting myself
up as some paragon who only goes around on a bicycle.”
In the same interview, Huffington stated that welfare reform (which
was enacted in 1996) was "not a success" because it had left "a lot of
people ... without job training and therefore without the ability to
really lead productive lives." Stossel then pointed out that since
welfare reform, eight million people had left the welfare rolls, and
that many of them had gone on to find gainful employment. Huffington’s
retort: “…But you know we have over 30 million Americans living below
the poverty line.” When Stossel informed her that the percentage of
families living below the poverty line had fallen considerably since
1996, Huffington said: “The fact that we used to live in caves is not
a justification for the state of affairs right now.”
Republican strategist Ed Rollins (who managed Michael Huffington's
1994 campaign for the California Senate) once called Arianna
Huffington "a domineering Greek Rasputin" who was "the most ruthless,
unscrupulous, and ambitious person I'd met in thirty years in national
God help America!