Heterodyne conversion crystals
On Wed, 3 Sep 2008, Leon wrote:
On 2 Sep, 21:12, Gary@ removenospamandputkf9cm.com wrote:
I am looking for some Heterodyne conversion crystals for a receiver I am
The frequencies a 5 MHz, 7 MHz, 10.5 MHz, 13.5 MHz, *17.5 MHz and 21.5
The variable mixing frequency will be from 3 to 3.5 MHz. I would prefer all
the same type holder.
TNX de Gary, KF9CM
The Si570 will generate those frequencies, apart from the 5 MHz.
Of course, 5MHz is the one in the bunch that is bound to be easy
to get (and if it's not, 10MHz makes it almost as easy) and
would provide the clock for the synthezier if it needs an external
Michael VE2BVW