National NC300 restoration hints needed.
On Sep 3, 11:08*am, "Paul P" REMOVE paul @ REMOVE ppinyot .
REMOVEcom wrote:
Gentlemen and any Ladies,
I have a National NC300 that I will be restoring. *At minimum replacing the
electrolytic capacitors. *What other Hints and Kinks should I be aware of
before I get into this exciting restoration project?
Were there any popular mods to this radio?
Are there any particular problems like a known arching wafer switch?
Etc., Etc.
Thanks in advance,
Paul P.
I restored one (partially) a few years ago, and that is still my AM
receiver. I actually never replaced the filter caps, but the only time
I notice much hum is if I use headphones.
There is a mod for changing the AGC so it works better for SSB, and I
did that. The S-meter still has very fast action on SSB, but I don't
hear the constant "pumping" now. If you are interested, I can try to
find that mod.
Mine had a broken crystal phasing cap that might have happened in
shipping. (I never found out just what happened)
I cemented it back together, but getting the crystal filter aligned
perfectly was a nightmare. All the adjustments interact so you adjust
one and it throws the other off. If the crystal filter seems to work
fine, I would suggest leaving it alone, or else maybe use a sweep
generator. The rest of the radio isn't hard to re-align.
I repainted mine, so it looks real good now. Luckily the front panel
was almost perfect, even though the cabinet needed a paint job.
Good luck and 73,