National NC300 restoration hints needed.
On Sep 3, 8:08*am, "Paul P" REMOVE paul @ REMOVE ppinyot . REMOVEcom
Gentlemen and any Ladies,
I have a National NC300 that I will be restoring. *At minimum replacing the
electrolytic capacitors. *What other Hints and Kinks should I be aware of
before I get into this exciting restoration project?
Were there any popular mods to this radio?
Are there any particular problems like a known arching wafer switch?
Etc., Etc.
Thanks in advance,
Paul P.
Yes I change the electrolytics with out of the junk box, some
reformed, some new. If I don't have the value I make one up out of
series/parallel combinations. I don't think there were too many paper
caps but if there were change them too.
Use Deoxit on the band and wafer switches but not too much.
The NC-300 was a nice radio for it's time in that it had a proiduct
detector for better cw and ssb but no agc to match. A simple diode was
added in the NC-303 to provide a rudimentary fast attack agc. I
compared the NC-303 schematic to the NC-300 and added it with great
results on ssb and cw. Add it and you will have an NC-300 +1/2!
Good luck on your project.